The Party Fiddle, Polka Cello or Stumpf Fiddle is a musical instrument and is played by
bouncing it on the floor to keep the beat as the bells jingle, pans rattle and springs vibrate
in rhythm. The key to a good quality sound is to play a melody by striking the pans,
springs, woodblock or bell during the lifting motion after striking the floor to make music.
It is fun and easy to play and can be played with virtually any type of upbeat music such
as: Polkas, Bluegrass, Rock 'n Roll, Country, etc. A popular use is in a Tavern or Saloon
where one or several are made available to patrons to play along with the Jukebox or
perform in a group.
In the late 60's or early 70's Allen Wait and his wife owned a bar called the "CHATTERBOX",
they traveled from Florence to Green Bay to purchase a Polka Cello for their bar. It has
brought a lot of fun with the customers bar over the years and Allen would even keep one
in the trunk of his car so when stopping at other taverns he could bring it in and add to the
fun. After Allen retired he needed something to do, so decided to make them. So began
The Party Fiddle Factory. Party Fiddle Factory's Stumpf Fiddles are crafted from the
highest quality materials and assembled by hand in the northwoods of Wisconsin. Allen is
83 years young and he makes them in his garage at home. He uses a lathe to round the
sticks, cuts and drills all holes to put them together. He enjoys making them as much as
he does playing them!